Monday 21 November 2016

By His Mercy

Mercy is a kind or forgiving attitude towards somebody that you have the power to harm or punish. It can also be defined as the act of sparing someone punishment shown to an offender or enemy. Nonetheless, looking at it from the biblical point of view, I will like to say mercy is a product of favor, it is a kindness from God. Mercy is divine amnesty, it's when God suspends other actions and as Christians, we all need God's mercy to survive through life and put up with the uncompromising situations we are faced with everyday.

The truth is, God's mercy is the reason so many are alive today and if we were to judge based on human actions and developments, i can only wonder the situation of things and how messy our lives would have played out on a daily basis but because of His forgiving nature, God's mercy has covered our butt on several occasions even when we had no idea of the prevailing circumstances when the devil tried opening them out in the public and make us objects of ridicule. However, I want us to realize that we can't afford to keep abusing this privilege and take for granted His kindness, why don't we resolve today to making our life aligned with His ways so that we can remain in the divine mercy of God.

In addition to that, I want us to understand that it is not only sinners that need His mercy, even those living a righteous life today actually do too because I believe we've all made some wrong choices at some point in our lives and should fall, sleep and wake at the feet of His mercy. Basically, to correct past errors made, we need God's divine mercy. The truth is, a building with a bad foundation is bound to collapse and only by His grace can it remain standing and thats why we all need His mercy.

Mercy is divine, it's the longest rope one can ever get and when in action in your life, where people gather together, regardless their number, you will be singled out. Now, lets take a trip to the bible a little bit, do you remember Jacob? Jacob was the husband of Rachel and together they gave birth to twelve children from which Joseph was ultimately singled out for favor and likewise David, who was a product of favor as he was distinctly singled out from the bunch of eight children despite being the last son. Apparently, when you're operating under His mercy, you'll be singled out for God's divine favor.

Furthermore, when mercy is in action in your life, you will be a candidate of miracle and testimony. When others are praying and still waiting on God for the manifestation hour, you will be testifying to the great and wonderful things the Lord has done for you. You can never run out of reasons to praise and glorify His name, your life itself would be a miracle and because of your testimonies, people will start saying that God is partial, wondering if you are the only one that prays.

In other words, His mercy makes one a favorite and no matter the qualifications and connections other may have, you will be selected ahead of them. You will be the favorite of God and the favorite of man and because of His mercy, your enemies will be disgraced. Those that have been mocking you and have been posing like Goliath in your life, it is just an ordinary stone that will remove their head. Your enemies will be disgraced and put to shame. God will wear you a garment of victory and even those challenging your God, saying we'll see what He'll do will all be put to shame. God will take over your battle and all impossibility will become possible.

You know, when God's mercy is at work in your life, the things you thought you couldn't do, you will be able to do them and without a doubt become a product of change and great future like David, Joseph and Esther just to mention a few. Ostensibly, doors will be opened unto you and uncommon favor from different angles, even from where you least expect will be yours. There will be showers of blessing over your roof and the goodness of God will follow you everywhere you go.

And with that said, allow me to conclude as I recommend us to remain in the sight of God's favoring eye and by His mercy, we can live our lives to the fullest and make the best out of it. I am serving a merciful God and you can as well. By His mercy I live this day and qualified to write inspirational pieces that liberate the soul. If I were to be judged by my past, I should be sited a million meters away from my pen and writing pad but His mercy redeemed me and reintroduced me to the Lord, the creator and the shepard of my soul. Today could be that day your life has been waiting for, why not tap into the anointing of today's inspiration and let His mercy cleanse you and redefine your existence. God bless us all

Kay Magnate

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