Friday 9 September 2016

Our Scars Remind Us The Past Is Real

You've been circling this theme for some time now, it's time for you to stop playing the victim and start taking an active role in your own happiness. Our scars remind us that the past is real and rather than allowing ourselves to keep dwelling in it, let those scars constantly remind us of the pain, which is okay, but only if we are ready to forgive that past and make it the source from which we generate our strength or else all that we've been through would only be a waste of time.

We all have our stories, there's no one walking through the surface of the earth without a gun to the neck at some point and wished the trigger was pulled. Everyday we are caught up with circumstances that are out of our control and may have given up a couple of times but that's the beauty of life. Whatever we go through in life only prepares us for the next stage. The creator is in the business of building lieutenants and not cadets that often give up at the first sight of a real life situation. So therefore, if you ever want to fulfill your destiny, you better be ready to sting the bee, roar at the lion and bite the dog, heaven celebrates warriors and legends, not quitters.

Our scars I repeat reminds us that the past is real, a past that prepares us for the future. The truth is, without a past, there can never be a future and most people often throw the most essential part of their journey away and loose track by doing so. I mean, how can you know where you're going when you don't know where you're coming from? It breaks my heart when people develop so much anger towards their past and curse the people that hurt them and circumstances that got them crawling with their back against the wall because those people and circumstances you despise so much are actually the hammers, chisels and charcoals banked at the mold ready to receive the true metal that the goldsmith; your creator uses to mold you into the gold you were created to be.

"Rome was not built in a day" and "A journey of a thousand miles started with one", these are regular quotes that your life should be accustomed to. Your creator never rushes his mission, you should take a quick stare into the life of the acting sensation well known to us as "James Bond" and see how critically he looks at things and carefully analyzing and planning them before setting his plans in motion, that should give you a clue of how God operates. You're a script in his hands and until a scene is well interpreted by the character in play, which happens to be you ofcourse and the purpose for which it was created has been fulfilled, the camera will not be rolled for the next scene.

Well now I guess you know why some people often spend more time struggling through a particular stage of their life. No one is holding you captive, you're the one preventing yourself from graduating to the next stage because you've refused to pay attention to what God really expects of you at that present situation of your life. We often complicate issues for ourselves when a single lesson is all that was meant to be taken and would have loved to make references to some of these things but then ofcourse that will be me depriving you of a self criticism which I say are the best critics that should make our headlines, so I choose to leave you to yourself and let your conscience do the trick.

What are those things you've been through that constantly serves as a force pulling you back each time you try to make a move forward? What set of people broke your heart and made you loose your self confidence and respect for others? Well, I have a good news for you today even though at some point they seemed like enemies of your destiny but they were actually helping you to get to your destination in time. So rather than hating and cutting them off your life circuit, embrace the past and set the future in motion. There's never a mistake with God and everything happens for a reason, even your loved ones that died may have given up the ghost so that you may live. Don't regret who you are and what you've been through, treasure those times because at the end they define who we are.

Kay Magnate

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